Familial Pancreatic Cancer Genome Sequencing Project
Welcome to the Familial Pancreatic Cancer Genome Sequencing Project (FPC-GSP). The FPC-GSP is a multi-institutional collaboration that brings together genetic data from over 600 familial pancreatic cancer patients.
All users require approval before access to data. Variant data can be accessed through this portal and is available in a table browser. Currently the aggregate variant data presented in Roberts et al Cancer Discovery is available. Additional data may be made available in the future.

Data Access
To access FPC-GSP data:
- Complete the Data Use Agreement and Data Access form available from [email protected]
- Obtain IRB approval from your institution for proposed use of the data. Please note: all IRB approvals must be either full or expedited review
- Email questions or completed Data Use agreement, Data Access Form, and IRB Approval to [email protected] with the subject "ATTN:FPC-GSP"
- Requests for access will be considered in order received
- You will be notified of the outcome of your data access application as soon as possible
- If approved you will be emailed instructions for accessing data
Please note:
Approval must be renewed yearly. Email [email protected] with the subject "ATTN:FPC-GSP Renewal" for further instructions.